Thursday, October 10, 2013

Autumn Mornings - New Beginnings

Nothing beats the sights and sounds of the morning:) - I love how everything feels still and quiet, the sound of the birds singing their songs, the sunrise, and the feeling of a crisp new day! This is definitely my favourite time of day for new beginnings! So I had a thought, Why not start this new day as a kick off for my commitment to more blogs. I have been looking through my past ones that I have written, and there was such an inconsistency to them. I also came across a very old, diary type blog when I was dealing with a very deep heartbreak called my heart and putting it back together. Going through these past entries I was moved to tears when reading them, and relived some old forgotten memories. The only thing I regret is not writing more. I don't think I could regret writing too much, because its so nice to comb back through your life and read about a time through your eyes during a specific season or period. So that being said I will commit to doing 3 blogs a week, and hopefully be able to amp that up to every day when I get going. There are so many exciting new chapters in my life starting. I enrolled in the year long course at Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which will take my passion for nutrition and health to a new level, and equip me with the knowledge to help others and to inspire each and every single person I meet to ignite the light within themselves. I have been going through a lot of stuff in my (not so) personal life, as you know I am an open book to anyone/everyone, and have been really struggling trying to sort out my emotions, feelings, and uncertainty when it come to my romantic relationship. I have come to happy medium and peace within my heart living my life in the moment of now. I got caught up in the future and where I will be, and should I break it off. the truth is all my uncertainty came from me thinking about the future, and isn't the future filled with uncertainty? The only thing anyone can be sure of is the present moment, and the life we live in it. Instead of worrying about if I am making the right choices, I have come to the conclusion that there are no right or wrong choices in life, just paths. And with God at the centre, he will work everything for Good. That was a little long winded analogy of where I am at now in my relationship - sorry for that - Another little (big) goal I have set for myself is to Travel. I have this passion inside me to travel the world, but I am doing nothing to attain that goal. I've decided to save all my pennies for a year and take the following year to just go. I am so excited because I can start planning all my destinations, and it is something I am doing for myself, by myself, to learn about myself and everything around me. - Yes you will be coming along for the ride - and I will be updating regularly. Wow, after writing this paragraph of a story, I realized it isn't "so" bad writing. I still wish I could just talk and have someone else input everything I am saying into written form.. although that would be rather lazy of me, or would it. (Multi-tasking anyone?) AsI write this I am enjoying my not so hot coffee with a little bit of almond milk and touch of cinnamon, it is still quiet on the street and feels cozy in my house. There is something cozy about a beautiful fall morning that is crisp outside, and im in warms pjs, slippers, and a fireplace inside. It feels as though the world is peaceful, - and so is "B" Tomorrow I will be heading to a pumpkin patch (for the FIRST time ever) to pick out some goodies for thanksgiving, and fall. I think I will also do some gluten free baking - Pumpkin tarts! I think I will end this blurb thought as I have cleaning to get started, organizing, laundry and vacuuming! I hope you are all well and cozy wherever you are! Big autumn hugs from my heart to yours, Leah Mackenzie

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