Monday, October 1, 2012

How do we get to know God?

This is a great question because it’s not like you can give him a call on his iPhone. But it’s actually EASIER than dialing a bunch of numbers and waiting to see if someone picks up.
It doesn't even cost a penny. Universally affordable and Universally available. My suggestion: Go somewhere you can be alone, this is for yourself, so you won't be distracted or embarrassed by the presence of other people. And then talk to God. Most people call it praying, but I think it’s okay to call it talking to God. Either way, when you are alone and able to honestly ask God to reveal Himself to you in your life, I know He will. Why am I so confident? Because I know and I believe God’s Word, look at what Matthew 7:7 says, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” This means that if you seek God, you will FIND Him. Wow!!! Isn’t that amazing to think about? God of the Universe will answer little old us? Astonishing to consider and so incredibly wonderful that it makes my little heart just leap with joy! He loves us! He loves you! He loves me! He has seen every deed we have ever done, things done to us, struggles, triumphs…and not a detail is lost among the millions of people who are living at the same moment right now. He knows you more than you know yourself, after all, He planned for you to be born even BEFORE the foundations of the earth. Your mom can’t even compete with that! Ha ha ha! So go after God with determination, and be confident of the promise He has already made to us: Psalm 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. I can’t help but think that God loves to hear His children call out to Him. I can only imagine that one of the most precious sounds in all of the earth is to hear a little voice say “Mama.” At the sound of it, I would leap buildings to get to him/her. I know one day their little call will be louder in my heart than any rock concert. My love for this tiny little person will be bigger than they will ever be, and I will risk life and limbs to get to them. I think my vision of what it would feel like is only a small portion of the love God has for us, because He IS love. God’s love is true and without all the impurities that our human love carries. I think that is why when we experience God in those moments when we seek Him, we are overwhelmed with emotion and tears flow like a summer rain. It’s the awareness of His love and goodness coupled with a glimpse of how unworthy we are in His presence yet knowing He loves us still. And in that very moment you’ll feel more alive than if you had 12 cups of coffee! I encourage you to seek after God, get really honest in your heart and call out to Him. Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Next is getting to know God, which is done just as we do with people…spend time with Him. Read His book, the Bible. I’m praying for your heart to be open and for God’s love to rush in. Huge love and light Leah

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