Saturday, October 26, 2013

Realizing our Goals, Dreams and Starting the day off Positive!

Hello World! Welcome to my little blog and another new beginning of a new chapter in my life. I am starting school this upcoming Monday at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition otherwise known as IIN. I am so excited to learn everything I can and be able to gain the knowledge and tools to help others transform their lives. I decided I would write some of my work on here so you all can see my progress, and I can keep myself accountable for the goals I've set.

Today I am working through my wants, goals, needs, and desires for my life. It begins with the little details of today, and grows to an even bigger idea of where I want to be in years to come. For some reason I have always struggled whenever I've been asked the question "where do you see yourself in "x" amount of years." For some reason I could never see the vision I have for myself, or where I would be, or how I would get there. I almost again wanted to skip these questions and move on, but I decided to really focus my mind on a plan for my life, what I want out of it, and how I am going to get there. And believe you me if I can power through it, I promise you all will be able to as well. I will include some of the questions in my workbook and what I am asking myself, to help guide you all to answer your own questions. Start small and just try and start with the big goals, and maybe focus on one of them and how you will get there, and then move on to the next. You can write what you can now, and then if noting comes to the surface, you can always come bace to it. I have to challenge you all to at least write one sentence. Write one goal. What you want to accomplish today, what you want to accomplish by the end of the week, month and year! Here is my worksheet ideas, feeling, and goals!

One thing I have to suggest is to start your day off with a little bit of silence and reflection. I have heard this a lot, from a lot of different people, and believe you me, I know how tough this can be when you are faced with the busyness of the morning. Just first set aside 5 minutes, even if its 5 minutes laying in bed. I know you all have your phones beside your bed, so try tomorrow morning getting up 5 minutes earlier, and type out a fe things you are thankful for and appreciate in your life. You will be surprised at how much easier it is to write and reflect once you type that first word. Also write out a couple goals you might have.

Today mine went a little something like this:

Today I am thankful for being alive! I am so blessed to be able to breathe, see touch, taste, hear and smell. I am thankful to live in a country that is free. I am thankful for my house, my job, my family and friends who loves me. I am thankful for Knowing Jesus and God, and being able to trust them with my life. I appreciate the beauty around me in the world, from the simplest of things like a tree. to the grandest things like the ocean and all the life in it. I am so thankful that I can take a moment this morning a be able to appreciate all the goodness in my life, so that I can start my day off with a beautiful mi>ndset, and foci on whats important, and what i should never take for granted. Sometimes we can get so caught up and distracted in the trivial things in life that we forget the little things that mean the most.

My Goals today are as follows:

Go to Solutions and get some organizing things. Go to the bank and get the loan, Figure out my halloween costume Finish the laundry Create delicious and nutritious meal Study for School Spend time with God, and reflecting on my future, my past and present.

If you want to read on I have to actually dive deeper into my future, which like I said is very difficult for me to envision. But here goes nothing!:)

What does your future hold?

What do you really want to get done in this life time?

What do I really want to get done in this life!? Well isn't that a loaded question with no direction. I have a flood of ideas rushing in. I think about changing the world, winning a nobel peace prize, changing people lives, saving animal, having financial freedom, traveling to every country of the world, write a book, make a record and release it to radio, star in a movie and t.v show ( in fact win an oscar ), obtain a PH.D, open up my own restaurant, have the body of my dreams,run a marathon, living in California, surfing, swimming with sharks ( in a shark cage of course ), see the wonders of the world, face all my fears, skydive to name a few.

Wow, how the ideas started coming as I started writing he first few, and when I listed things as if nothing was impossible! You guys should try that! Think of some of the dreams thats make your heart flutter and dance. Write as if absolutely nothing is impossible.

Try and be specific with your dreams too. The more specific you are, the easier it is to plan and OBTAIN these beautiful dreams of yours! For example, lets say I take my dream of swimming with sharks ( by the way I am not sure why that is on the list haha I guess that ties into facing one of my fears) but don't just write down "swim with sharks" be "specific". Figure out where you want to swim with them, what ocean. Also it will be so much fun to research what companies offer this. It will feel much more intentional by doing this. YOu can then write when you want to do this, and plan a trip around it. Do this for all your goals when you finish your list. "NOTHING" is impossible, and when you research ways to obtain your goals, you definitely realize that more and are on your way of putting a plan into action. Also, add to the list when you come up with a new idea goal or dream.

Here are another few questions to ask yourself to get your mind juices flowing!

What do you need to get done by the end of the day tomorrow? ( I wrote a little list above with my little to do list ) :)

What do you need to get done by the end of the week? What do you need to get done by the end of the month? What do you need to get done by the end of next month?

Next New Year's Day: - Whats the year? - How old will you be? - What are all the things you want to have done by that time?

New Year's Day, two years from now: - What's the year? - How old will you be? - How old will your loved ones be? - What are all the things you want to have done by that time?

New Year's Day, five years from now: - What's the year? - How old will you be? - How old will your loved ones be? - What are all the things you want to have done by that time?

In 10 Years?

In 20 Years?

Happy self discovery and writing:)

Biggest Leah Hugs!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Autumn Mornings - New Beginnings

Nothing beats the sights and sounds of the morning:) - I love how everything feels still and quiet, the sound of the birds singing their songs, the sunrise, and the feeling of a crisp new day! This is definitely my favourite time of day for new beginnings! So I had a thought, Why not start this new day as a kick off for my commitment to more blogs. I have been looking through my past ones that I have written, and there was such an inconsistency to them. I also came across a very old, diary type blog when I was dealing with a very deep heartbreak called my heart and putting it back together. Going through these past entries I was moved to tears when reading them, and relived some old forgotten memories. The only thing I regret is not writing more. I don't think I could regret writing too much, because its so nice to comb back through your life and read about a time through your eyes during a specific season or period. So that being said I will commit to doing 3 blogs a week, and hopefully be able to amp that up to every day when I get going. There are so many exciting new chapters in my life starting. I enrolled in the year long course at Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which will take my passion for nutrition and health to a new level, and equip me with the knowledge to help others and to inspire each and every single person I meet to ignite the light within themselves. I have been going through a lot of stuff in my (not so) personal life, as you know I am an open book to anyone/everyone, and have been really struggling trying to sort out my emotions, feelings, and uncertainty when it come to my romantic relationship. I have come to happy medium and peace within my heart living my life in the moment of now. I got caught up in the future and where I will be, and should I break it off. the truth is all my uncertainty came from me thinking about the future, and isn't the future filled with uncertainty? The only thing anyone can be sure of is the present moment, and the life we live in it. Instead of worrying about if I am making the right choices, I have come to the conclusion that there are no right or wrong choices in life, just paths. And with God at the centre, he will work everything for Good. That was a little long winded analogy of where I am at now in my relationship - sorry for that - Another little (big) goal I have set for myself is to Travel. I have this passion inside me to travel the world, but I am doing nothing to attain that goal. I've decided to save all my pennies for a year and take the following year to just go. I am so excited because I can start planning all my destinations, and it is something I am doing for myself, by myself, to learn about myself and everything around me. - Yes you will be coming along for the ride - and I will be updating regularly. Wow, after writing this paragraph of a story, I realized it isn't "so" bad writing. I still wish I could just talk and have someone else input everything I am saying into written form.. although that would be rather lazy of me, or would it. (Multi-tasking anyone?) AsI write this I am enjoying my not so hot coffee with a little bit of almond milk and touch of cinnamon, it is still quiet on the street and feels cozy in my house. There is something cozy about a beautiful fall morning that is crisp outside, and im in warms pjs, slippers, and a fireplace inside. It feels as though the world is peaceful, - and so is "B" Tomorrow I will be heading to a pumpkin patch (for the FIRST time ever) to pick out some goodies for thanksgiving, and fall. I think I will also do some gluten free baking - Pumpkin tarts! I think I will end this blurb thought as I have cleaning to get started, organizing, laundry and vacuuming! I hope you are all well and cozy wherever you are! Big autumn hugs from my heart to yours, Leah Mackenzie

Monday, October 1, 2012

How do we get to know God?

This is a great question because it’s not like you can give him a call on his iPhone. But it’s actually EASIER than dialing a bunch of numbers and waiting to see if someone picks up.
It doesn't even cost a penny. Universally affordable and Universally available. My suggestion: Go somewhere you can be alone, this is for yourself, so you won't be distracted or embarrassed by the presence of other people. And then talk to God. Most people call it praying, but I think it’s okay to call it talking to God. Either way, when you are alone and able to honestly ask God to reveal Himself to you in your life, I know He will. Why am I so confident? Because I know and I believe God’s Word, look at what Matthew 7:7 says, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” This means that if you seek God, you will FIND Him. Wow!!! Isn’t that amazing to think about? God of the Universe will answer little old us? Astonishing to consider and so incredibly wonderful that it makes my little heart just leap with joy! He loves us! He loves you! He loves me! He has seen every deed we have ever done, things done to us, struggles, triumphs…and not a detail is lost among the millions of people who are living at the same moment right now. He knows you more than you know yourself, after all, He planned for you to be born even BEFORE the foundations of the earth. Your mom can’t even compete with that! Ha ha ha! So go after God with determination, and be confident of the promise He has already made to us: Psalm 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. I can’t help but think that God loves to hear His children call out to Him. I can only imagine that one of the most precious sounds in all of the earth is to hear a little voice say “Mama.” At the sound of it, I would leap buildings to get to him/her. I know one day their little call will be louder in my heart than any rock concert. My love for this tiny little person will be bigger than they will ever be, and I will risk life and limbs to get to them. I think my vision of what it would feel like is only a small portion of the love God has for us, because He IS love. God’s love is true and without all the impurities that our human love carries. I think that is why when we experience God in those moments when we seek Him, we are overwhelmed with emotion and tears flow like a summer rain. It’s the awareness of His love and goodness coupled with a glimpse of how unworthy we are in His presence yet knowing He loves us still. And in that very moment you’ll feel more alive than if you had 12 cups of coffee! I encourage you to seek after God, get really honest in your heart and call out to Him. Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Next is getting to know God, which is done just as we do with people…spend time with Him. Read His book, the Bible. I’m praying for your heart to be open and for God’s love to rush in. Huge love and light Leah

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Glue That Holds Relationships Together

Have you ever heard that old children's saying, "I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you?" Well, there are times that we need to be like rubber and let hurtful words and offense bounce right off of us; and there are times when we need to be like glue and embrace words of healing, truth and life.

Scripture says that the power of life and death are in the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) This tells me that we need to be mindful that our words also act like rubber or glue in our relationships. That means we can say things that repel people from us, or we can say things that draw them to us and connect our hearts.

Over the years, I've found that encouraging words are the glue that holds our relationships together. Looking back over the last year in my relationship, I can see how positive words and regular affirmations have bonded mine and Sean's hearts together allowing us to draw out the best in each other. We've learned the importance of encouraging one another daily, not just through our words, but also through simple acts of kindness and looking for ways to make life easier for one another.

You can do the same in your relationships and improve the atmosphere of your household, your workplace, your community and your world. Sure, it takes effort to be a great encourager. After all, there are so many forces that come against relationships on a daily basis. But when you encourage others, when you bring out the best in them and help them succeed, that success will come back to you and cause you to rise higher as well. When you fill up others emotionally, God will make sure that you are filled up in return.

Most importantly, realize today that just as words of affirmation draw us closer to the people around us, our words of affirmation, our praise and thanksgiving draws us closer to our heavenly Father, too. This year, make praising Him your priority. All throughout the day, just tell Him how much you love Him. Thank Him for what He's done in your life. Sing a song of praise because He is worthy. Let those words of love and adoration draw you to Him, and always use encouraging words as the glue to hold your relationships together!

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…" (James 4:8, NKJV)

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Friday!

I am getting my hair cut today!
I have been trying to grow my hair really long for quite some time now, but every time I get it to a certain length, it results in lots of split ends, and I end up having to once again cut it shorter. I have been really wanting to cut a pixie cut into my hair, although I know I will miss my long hair too much, so i never actually go through with it. I am also thinking of putting more blond highlights in my hair =) yay!
It's Friday here in the beautiful city of Toronto, and I am looking forward to another day off as well tomorrow. I am going to have a more relaxing night tonight, and see my good friend Katie for dinner. Tomorrow will be an exciting adventure as well; Sean and I are going Skydiving. Let me tell you, I am absolutely terrified of heights, but I am facing my fear and conquering it. I love the feeling of looking fear in the face and showing it, that I am bigger than whatever fear throws at me. I can't wait to blog about that experience tomorrow.

Some other things I have been up to is, preparing for my trip to Nashville. I am really nervous about the whole ordeal. I am really hoping I don't regret leaving all behind to pursue some deep desires, and figure out my own emotions and heart.

I will touch more on all the little details about Nashville, and make sure I blog about my skydiving adventure tomorrow!!

Warmest wishes and big hugs,

Leah Mackenzie

Monday, August 29, 2011

early morning.

I need to get better at this blogging thing.
It has been ages since I have sat down at my computer to write a little caption on my life up to this point. I am sitting her 7:46 am, waiting for someone/anyone to wake up and have breakfast with me! Maybe I will go alone and read my book! hmm, Actually that is exactly what I will do! I had to get up at 6 am today, and let me tell you, there is nothing like going to bed at a decent hour, ( for me that happened to be 10:30 pm last night) , and getting up early to start the day. If I didn't hurt my shin, I would definitely be at the boardwalk by the lake, jogging for some portion of this morning, but sadly I have Shin Splints! If you haven't heard of them, they are so painful! When jogging you get shooting pains down your shins! ah
I am also watching youtube video's! I find that I am a sucker for watching them! My favourites are Kandee Johnson, Lights, reality tv, interviews, and watching raw talented authentic singers.

Guess what y'all !? I am moving to Nashville! I can't believe it! I will definitely be documenting my journey through all of that crazy excitement. I hope you are all well in your lovely beds sleeping away still.

Happy dreams and thoughts,

Leah Mackenzie. xx

Monday, November 1, 2010

Don't Let the Storms of Your Past, Cloud Your Future

I love the saying: "Don't Let the Storms of Your Past, Cloud Your Future"
I've had many storms in my life, from being cheated on, hurt, feeling like my dreams were over, being broke losing my first love, I could keep going on and on (ha ha ha)...and I definitely could have let that gloom up my future.

* Whether it was a relationship "storm"- someone hurt you, cheated on you, broke your heart, betrayed you.
* A depression storm- you feel hopeless, sad, and feel like giving up.
* A financial storm - you are feeling like your wallet is way to empty, your bank account has gone on a diet, and your bills are scaring you...
* Past Storms- you had a bad childhood, loss of someone dear to you, you've grown up with a bad family life, you've had trouble in your past, you feel guilty over something.

Chase the Storm Clouds Away
You have to make sure you chase the storm clouds away, and let the beautiful rainbow of your future come out and shine.
Your thoughts are more powerful than you know!!!

* If you just let any old "stormy" thought keep creeping into your mind- you are sure to stay in "stormy-land"!
* You must "re-set" the weather in your life!
* Think about how you want things to be, instead of how things are or how they have been. ~ If you've been hurt or disappointed, stop thinking about how hurt and disappointed you are and think about and tell yourself, "I am strong and have a bright future! I am getting better and better each day!"

* And just like you can't eat once a week and think that will keep you filled, you need to eat several times a day...same thing with your thoughts- you need to feed your mind with positive thoughts all day long!

Sure we may have more storms in life...but as long as you don't let the rain and clouds ruin your can anticipate the rainbow!
The sun will always come out!

And sometimes our tears are like the rain that waters the rainbows in our heart! So, my precious hearts....if the rain or tears are falling right now in your life....know that I am sending you a hug right now, for my arms to hold your heart...and say, "it's okay....this storm will pass, and your future will grow full with blossoms, for even the flowers need the rainstorms to grow!"

My life has seen storms of all kinds....heartbreak, hopelessness, hurt, sadness, no money...just feeling like I can't go on...
and through it all I would tell myself, "Stop it better stop it with this sinkin'-stinkin'-thinkin'....and get your mind back on track with positive thoughts right now!"
*where the mind goes...the person follows....
Lead your self into great thoughts and places.
Tell yourself:

* I am great (even if you feel you're not...yet!)
* I am cherished and adored!
* My future is going to be awesome!
* I can't wait to see what is waiting for me in this life!
* I will make my dreams come true!
* I will find someone that will cherish and love me so much they will NEVER even think of hurting me in ANY way at all!
* I am worthy of being loved!
* I am happy- rain or shine!

I love you all so much...and I don't care what storms you have in your past...THEY WILL NOT CLOUD YOUR FUTURE....the storms only watered the blossoms in your life....and will make your future that much more beautiful with "watered" flowers!

This day is great and is waiting for you to change your thoughts, which will change your mind, which will change your life!

Watch your thoughts, for they become your words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes you destiny.
- Anonymous

People always ask if it's okay to repost something I've written- PLEASE, please, please feel free to pass this on, post it where ever you'd like...I want to be able to encourage as many hurting, "stormy" hearts as possible!

Think about thoughts that are wonderful today....don't let those little "cloudy" thoughts sneek in...
huge love and even bigger, better thoughts

your Leah