Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Friday!

I am getting my hair cut today!
I have been trying to grow my hair really long for quite some time now, but every time I get it to a certain length, it results in lots of split ends, and I end up having to once again cut it shorter. I have been really wanting to cut a pixie cut into my hair, although I know I will miss my long hair too much, so i never actually go through with it. I am also thinking of putting more blond highlights in my hair =) yay!
It's Friday here in the beautiful city of Toronto, and I am looking forward to another day off as well tomorrow. I am going to have a more relaxing night tonight, and see my good friend Katie for dinner. Tomorrow will be an exciting adventure as well; Sean and I are going Skydiving. Let me tell you, I am absolutely terrified of heights, but I am facing my fear and conquering it. I love the feeling of looking fear in the face and showing it, that I am bigger than whatever fear throws at me. I can't wait to blog about that experience tomorrow.

Some other things I have been up to is, preparing for my trip to Nashville. I am really nervous about the whole ordeal. I am really hoping I don't regret leaving all behind to pursue some deep desires, and figure out my own emotions and heart.

I will touch more on all the little details about Nashville, and make sure I blog about my skydiving adventure tomorrow!!

Warmest wishes and big hugs,

Leah Mackenzie

Monday, August 29, 2011

early morning.

I need to get better at this blogging thing.
It has been ages since I have sat down at my computer to write a little caption on my life up to this point. I am sitting her 7:46 am, waiting for someone/anyone to wake up and have breakfast with me! Maybe I will go alone and read my book! hmm, Actually that is exactly what I will do! I had to get up at 6 am today, and let me tell you, there is nothing like going to bed at a decent hour, ( for me that happened to be 10:30 pm last night) , and getting up early to start the day. If I didn't hurt my shin, I would definitely be at the boardwalk by the lake, jogging for some portion of this morning, but sadly I have Shin Splints! If you haven't heard of them, they are so painful! When jogging you get shooting pains down your shins! ah
I am also watching youtube video's! I find that I am a sucker for watching them! My favourites are Kandee Johnson, Lights, reality tv, interviews, and watching raw talented authentic singers.

Guess what y'all !? I am moving to Nashville! I can't believe it! I will definitely be documenting my journey through all of that crazy excitement. I hope you are all well in your lovely beds sleeping away still.

Happy dreams and thoughts,

Leah Mackenzie. xx